Sunday, August 16, 2009


And I don't mean 'watch this fall' which Yahoo! blog has cautiously captioned the show. I mean the real thing 'WHAT THE FUCK?!'

Yes Yes YES!!! The UpperEastsiders are back for another season! Gossip Girl Season 3's gonna premiere this September and I just can't wait to grab hold of the juiciest gossips, devious scandals, and of course the never ending catfights!

So if you have not been religiously watching the show, here's a quick recap on what just transpired in Season 2. Get up to speed bitches!

And so without further adieu, here's a teaser for Season 3.

Not enough huh? Things are getting a lot more interesting now. I'm pretty sure a lot of surprises are coming their way, so I'd better prepare myself so I won't get caught offguard.. again. hehe.. :]

Can't wait for September!!!

1 comment:

Sunroot said...

excited kay ka.. hahaha